Saturday, October 25, 2008

life must go on

lately a lot of ridiculous things had happened.n those things are really important n i was so careless to handle it out.however everything have to be setteled n at last it have comfort me up.thanks esp for my family for the i'm in one of the recognised study place around the world (they said second ranking of medicine school..i dunno really bout this) with the (might be) the hardest subject that not every single person can imagine to take it.n the most expensive city to leave in the i a single person in ummah called muslim that faith is Allah is everythig.we have to leave everything (i mean tawakkaltualallah..still have to work on it).now the journey begins.leave in a very unfamiliar area.i need to be brave.also have a lot of friens n relatives studying overseas.some really can cope it.some still wanna be just the same back in msia.but the most ruins are those who has been assimilated completely in the breaking society.whatever...again n again we will say whatever.for me as muslim we need to concern our brotherhoods live.if not the ummah will break off i said before in my previous post...really outdated hehe...bout love.this is how we develop our love to muslim.i'm might not seen like a real muslim from outsides,but sorry to said.who care about this so called attire(i will comment about this in other post...i promise).k back to main topic.why i say ummah are really important esp when u are alone in the very unfamiliarise country.this is because,without strong ummah we can't survive completely.we have to know where we can find halal food.we can no where the masjid is.n even we can know how to practise islam in a country that there is so small muslims in it.n what i want to express here is how beautiful islam ask us to make friends with each other.this is because, without friends,life must be so bored.n reality is without friends who really care.we cannot survive completely in alienated place.make friends n say no to war-peace-

lova would never end

kinda very theoretical but not practical
we can say we love someone but it is hard to express our love
esp when we first met someone that we really care
the person who we think the best to be our life partner
or even who would ruin our life with a single word
sometimes we are really hoping that the who we know now would be the one who would love us till the end of our life
n be besides us when we r dying
but to find that kind of lover is really hard and need lot of determination n even commitment
people around the world now are thinking the same about love
no matter u r asian, english, mexican, irish, arab, or white...or even different religion
would think that why would no one gives love to me as much as i need
a really complicated experience
to be love and to love somebody
is totally different
it is just a liar if someone would say that "i don't need love"
deep in your heart would say that i'm a big liar
sometimes it would be true
coz we completely think that love is only just for that only one person
if we think like that
such a big mistake
coz love is not just for that particular person
coz love is mean to all person in our life
not just for the beloved one
coz that is the most unforgettable feelings that we would have
the love that would never end...........


What does it mean by normal...?

Hmm...many things...

Some would say that normal is just like something that everyone has...

Something that everyone do and even things or attitude that everyone own...

For me being normal is something that we might have to avoid...

I’m not telling ya'll that we need to be an abnormal people but what we need to be just more than normal...

On the other word...being extraordinary...

This is a kind of self motivation that need to be applied in our life in order to gain better life on the future...

Sometimes we think that we couldn't do it...

We can't even stick to any rules...

We can't even manage to face challenges...

Remember that those people that thinking like that is coward...

I don't blame anyone who does that...

Just as a reminder to all of you and myself especially...

In this world...we need to face and challenges any obstacle that come...


hi don't know what to say. i'd never create any post since the last i love to do it now..i love to talk about my life in has been about 8 months i'm here and a lot of new knowledge new friends that i'd learn and met...time is running so fast...about a year to go and then i'll left INTEC..hopefully that i will achieve my target and will work hard on in INTEC is not just like i was in secondary school (SDAR). Even though living in hostel is just like former school but a lot of things that i need to run trough...i need to wake very early in the morning to catch for the bus...i need to study by my ownself as there's no preparation class here...i also join silat here (also be a commitee member) and al;so be one of the representative for my's quite tired...i need to manage my time perfectly...thanks to Allah that He had given me power to run trough all these is quite challenging joining any cocuricullar activities...everything need to be done by ourselves..but it is very enjoyable even though lot of problem coming...just take the challange...hehe...i think that all...

The River Concerto

In andante tempo,
Slowly move following the flow,
Sound peacefully,
When crush with rocks,
Nice lovely song follows the tempo.

A humming bird singing following the song,
With harmonic,
Another humming bird joins in dynamic,
Seems drop of water join the orchestra of nature,
With precisely mood,
Feel the purity of music.

Quack, quack, quack,
Cute group of duck swim happily,
With full of joy,
They follow the concerto,
Some swim deep and then jump out from the river,
Splashing sound make the music lively,
Couple of bee then flies merrily,
Supporting the fascinating rhythm of the river,

Far from there,
With full of enthusiasm,
In marching pace,
Woodpecker continues the multisound of nature,
With joyfulness the concerto go on,
Lovely nice concerto,
The river concerto.

just new

hello viewers...i just started writing this blog.after this post i add some post that i've already written in my own keeps n i love to share with anybody who view this blog.hope this will bring peace n love to small group in the world who view n have the same believe with me that peace will always there n love will always be in our heart-peace-