Sunday, February 22, 2009

loneliness part 1

assalamualaikum and may peace be upon you
it has been a while i've never wrote anything in this wall...
now,i'm going to continue my previous writing about 'kesepian'
as i've explained why i want to write in i should write this in english
loneliness is something that human being will always encounter in their life
and because of loneliness..we started to make terrible mistakes..
we started to blame other people on anything wrong happen to us
we even blame ourselves on being so dumb bout life
but is it true that we really are lonely as we think so

for is just something that only bothering us human being
loneliness is actually should be great
loneliness makes us happy as we think about people who happened to be in our life
feeling lonely makes us love each other more
by feeling lonely..we tried hard to be more cheerful..
why it must be so complicated
who are we to claim that we are really lonely
as when we alone....................

we started to think about the one that we love
is it really lonely if we still have person to think of
people cannot leave by himself..
that is why they live together..
because...when we are alone
we will feel grateful...that we had memory of being together

in term of peace
how come we have never realised
how wonderful god creation
He create..a lot of races...
so that we can feel wonderful in His world
how if He just make one race
that will only make us feeling empty
He makes a lot of races of people
so that we can learn to accept each other....
i wonder if He just create only this particular group of people
how bored it will be...
n this also we called...

(next post of loneliness describing bout how important tolerate in our beautiful world)