Monday, November 24, 2008

my life in moscow

lately always write bout making peace in our live
i thought of writing bout myself in this world
hope whoever that drop by in this page know who am i
now i live in moscow
as on of the students in moscow medical academy
for sure taking medicine and will be a doctor one day(may Allah bless)
live in moscow(first ranking as world most expensive city to live) life is quiet hard here
especially when i need to travel 20km everyday to go to class
and also hardly have contact with seniors to get information as we live far from each other
only patience that give me courage to study harder here
now it already started winter
for me winter do need a lot of patience
first time being in winter(as in malaysia no 4 seasons at all)
have make me feel that how small am i compared to the power of The Creator
here i really realised how wonderful chosen as a human to live in this world by Him
a small creature like us can survive in a very extreme temperature that surely other creature can't
i'm really grateful being in moscow
it's really teach us to be a very good human being
live in a very alienated place makes us really want to give up
however...He is always be with us
so never give up and pray always to make sure that in this live we would never regret

Sunday, November 16, 2008


nowadays...everythings seems to be harder and complicated
may be because of human beings like us seeking for perfect things in the world
but the truth is that human beings like us are barely have a chance to get everythings perfectly
esp for those who really understand religion
there is no way in this world can make us perfect even though we have tried troughout our live
sometimes we will feel disappointed when we could not get what that we really try to get
but believe me
the only perfect time in this world is that when we try and fail but we not straightly stop on achieving it
keep on our motivation
few days before
few teribble things had happened
and all of them makes me want to give up
however go (Allah for Muslim) would not let me being give up just like that
so He boost my spirit just by giving some concern and love from my family
where few days after incident
one of my family member called me and give me a little bit of motivation
believe me my dear friends...
life would never be perfect without love
and love would never occured if we do not believe on the Creator of love itself-peace-

Sunday, November 2, 2008


sejakl tibe di rusia ade satu perkara yg sentiasa bermain di benak fikiran ini.xde la ape sgt pon.just plek nape ramai student malaysia yg berkahwin sedangkan belum habis belajar.byk2 kemungkinan satu je yg mungkin mejadi yg pling saye mudah je.bende ni jadi sebab jarak cinta yg dekat.meaning...duduk berhampiran so bagi mengelakkan sesuatu berlaku maka dipercepatkan tempoh perkenalan kepada perkahwinan.nape jd cmni ek....still x dpt dirungkaikan persoalan.mengikut satu riwayat rasulullah ade berkata...apabila dua insan berdua2an di suatu tempat yang sunyi maka datang lah seorang lagi yakni syaitan laknatullah melalaikan mereka...nape jadi pon x tahu.mgkn sebab nafsu menjadi teman baek.everything happens in this world got to have reason together with it...laki pempuan...adek abang...mak anak...begitu la jugak perkare ni.hmm...cube bayangkan yg jarak percintaannye jauh...mgkn perkare2 ni berlaku.mungkin jugak akan berlaku...sebab kunun nye memendam rindu yang sudah lame x dilepaskan.peduli apa rindu...apabila maruah sudah tergadai ape akn jadi pade hidup...there is no peace in our life.ade jugak berborak nggan bbrp kawan yg sudah serik bercinta..katenye susah.sume pon nak kene jage...makan, minum, even x msg pon akan dicurigai...sbnrnye perkare ni mudah je bagi yg memahami erti kehidupan dan keamanan hidup ini.lg mudah bg yg memahami hukum Yang Esa tetapkan.kita masih dibelenggu nafsu.bagi perempuan...jeles itu perkare biase.bagi lelaki pula,sensitviti yg x tentu hala.perkara ni perlu diselesaikan.ramai x faham kenape mereka berpacaran.ade jugak yg x faham kenape cinta itu timbul.selepas wat sedikit kajian dr kalangan sedare mare n sahabat is not just comes together with yg sedang n pernah bercinta...mereka faham.smpi ade yg ckp blum cukup mase lg untuk kte bercinta.actually even in the early age of your life you can have your own spouse.because the main thing is how you handle your own relationship.kalo kte faham nape kite mahu punyai pasangan...insyaAllah x jadi perkare2 di atas. like my previous would never is not just giving the full commitment but to understand deeply what are the main reasons u r there to have each mantain the peace.don't let just a simple problem we ruins all what have already we have-peace-

difference between imagination and reality

lately feel really lazy to write in i'm using malay language to write my post hehe.
baru2 ni masak2 di rusia.sng citer masak 4 our own room members la.ape yg jelas di sini bese je msti ade org komen masakan.kurang tu la kurang ni la.hakikat nye...kalo nak cukup n menepati citerase sume banyak yg x dapat dipenuhi.gitu jugak.segale ape yg kite bygkan waktu sblm masak x dapat dipenuhi esp in russia yg jauh gler beze ngan brgn masakan di kat cni, as a peacemaker wanna be.i think all of us hould think about do the solving problem and not just speak what you should tu la masalah kte as a weak human being.sprt x leh dipisah kan.begitu la jugak hidup ini.when we say to a leader you should do that and this.somehow we just put the blame on other people without doing anything to make it easier.ape yg tertera di atas hanyalah satu contoh.plg mudah seperti memasak la kan.kite boleh cakap itu ini but the results when we do it not as we expected.there goes what we always saying expect the unexpected.n what the best part is that failure is also part of unexpected.what can i say is,life is not as simple as we always tought so we shouldn't take small things for granted.peace for all