Saturday, December 27, 2008


lately everythings come to be so tiring...a lot of test i got trough and with all the thaks to the only almighty Allah..i got trough them all as i wanted to..hopefully after this all that i need to go trough come smoothly.then,i started to realised...
it is not just me being tired
and is not just working or studying make me tired..this tiredness is all about what we are all thinking or in islam they called it nafs..that always make us tired of continuing our own objective in this world that is always
'finding ourselves'
every time we try to make things correct..every single challanges come to us to make sure we give up without we thought of fighting it back....
life is always simple but we people always make its trouble...and also make it double
we know that we can achieve our goal but we never try again i emphashized 'try' to fight for it or even to adapt into it
we always making excuse without having though reason on what we are doing
as for me....i hope that i would always realized that i was not going to be this type of bored people
maybe this time my post is a little bit religous..but think again my valuable viewers...without religous in this world..what else we will have faith for
without god without holy book...what else can guide us from terrible life that everybody don't ever want to have.....
without would always be tiring...and a mess.....
love,peace, what we always want to have
but we always forgot that..without our love to the Creator of would we have the chance to have even a glance on love that we always dream of....
think smart think broad....peace be upon you