Monday, April 20, 2009

loneliness...part 2

assalamualaikum n peace be upon you
seems like a month i didn't wrote anything in this wall
as i'm feeling so now to write hand already has written a few word
from previous loneliness post
it seems that lonely is really grateful gift from almighty Allah
because from the loneliness itself
we gain our be grateful when we feel grateful
sometimes we also think...why would we be so lonely as in this world we are not living alone
but why we choose to be alone
because it is human being does...
sometimes we feel better when we feel alone
sometimes it is really stressfull..
n even worse we will feel like giving up life when we are alone
this is what god (Allah in context of islam) want us to learn..that we cannot live by just ourselves
this also the sign from god that we have Him to be conducted..
for those who didn't believe in god..i'm feel really sorry of you..
hope that you will learn it someday that we need someone or even something else...
and also we cannot even live if we are really lonely
because as in islam...god have promised that...we as human are very weak
because we are just one of His creation...but when we forget it..we feel that we are the best
believe me..i can bet..without friends,without followers,or even without family
we are is a big lie if we say that we are everything
so..from my point of view..the only thing that human fear is not danger things or even weapon
but loneliness...because when we are alone..we will feel a lot of emptiness in our life
that is why when god create Adam..He create Eve(Hawa) make sure that we really feel grateful to our life
n for them who didn't believe in god and saying that Darwinian theory is true
it's okay but think again
why would animal also being created in couples..which i mean as human is from ape family
and genetically if the species itself means that a new species is established when they can reproduce by each other
and even genetic coding is made in couples by itself...
this shows how a single molecule cannot interact without partner
as when they are alone they are useless...

this is what we called sunnatullah or in english the law of Allah(god)
and now..we started to deny it...we start to ruin other life and makes other life filled with emptiness...lonely...
what has happened to this world..
we started to being selfish..not realising that we are weak creature
we started to ignored other to make sure that our life is better in the future
remember my friend...human cannot live alone
so be sure that we are not destroying others life and start to respect the other
if not..try to be alone for some time in our busy life
and feel how grateful we are when god create human other than us
and even how grateful we are when god makes us different from each other(especially races)
cause from this...we can see the true meaning of life...
may peace be upon you:)
and for my family and friends..thanks for being a part of my life...Alhamdulillah

Monday, March 16, 2009

hidup ini tiada siapa yang sempurna

assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh
terase teringin pula menulis dalam bahasa melayu
setelah sekian lame x menulis blog ni..bukan nye ape..cume xtau nk tulis mcm mane
blog ni semakin kurang yg membace..mungkin sebab msg keamanan,maka xde sape yg nk dengar
sy pun da mule tulis blog yg simple dan still xde org nk tgk
xpe la..setiap perjuangan memulakan waktu untuk mendapat perhatian
saya ade la terbace beberapa buah blog yg memaparkan persepsi ketidakyakinan terhadap jantina yg berlainan
sama ade lelaki terhadap perempuan atau perempuan terhadap lelaki
perkara ini seperti biasa la dalam kehidupan harian kita
x byk yg saya nk ulaskan terhadap perkara oleh sbb sy rase perlu maka sy harap dgn sedikit ilmu ini dapat kite memahami kaum lain jantina dgn lebih dekat
lelaki dan perempuan dijadikan berbeza antara satu sama lain
secara ringkasnya..apa yang ada pada lelaki kebanyakan nya tiada pada perempuan
begitu juga yang sebaliknya..dalam berkawan banyak yg kita kene faham mengenai mereka
jgn expect yg berlainan jantina dapat faham diri kita dengan sepenuhnya
so terjadi la pelbagai perkara antara perhubungan ini
antaranya..uji menguji antara satu sama lain
pergaduhan perkara kecil yg boleh berlarutan sehingga ke anak cucu
begitu juga ketidakpercayaan ke atas kaum bertentangan jantina atas sebab perkara buruk yg berlaku antara kawan-kawan
perkara ini banyak berlaku sehingga terjadi apa yg dikatakan gender identity disorder
dan seterusnye membawa kepada hubungan luar tabii sesama sejenis
terutama dalam masyarakat moden yg lebih selesa berhubung dengan teknologi berbanding berhadapan dengan antara satu sama lain
seperti post2 sy sblm ini
manusia ini sebenarnya amat mudah merasa kesunyian
so..kat sini sy mahu mengaitkan dengan tajuk sebelum ini
perkara ini terjadi kerana setiap antara kita sering merasa kesunyian
terutama apabila kita merasa bahawa orang yang kita percaya mengkhianati kita
atau dalam erti kata lain membuat sesuatu yg di luar jangkaan kita
dalam hal ini..kita harus la rasional
jangan terus membuat kesimpulan
kerna hakikat nya Allah sentiasa meletakkan hikmah disebalik apa yang terjadi
terutama hikmah betapa kita memerlukan insan yg bertentangan jantina dengan kita
sbb kita memerlukan mereka maka kita membenci mereka
mudah dan jelas hakikat yang ditunjukkan olehNya..
oleh itu fikir2kan lah...mungkin apa yang berlaku di sekeliling kita menyebabkan kita lebih memahami tujuan kita dijadikan seperti apa yg kita sekarang

Sunday, February 22, 2009

loneliness part 1

assalamualaikum and may peace be upon you
it has been a while i've never wrote anything in this wall...
now,i'm going to continue my previous writing about 'kesepian'
as i've explained why i want to write in i should write this in english
loneliness is something that human being will always encounter in their life
and because of loneliness..we started to make terrible mistakes..
we started to blame other people on anything wrong happen to us
we even blame ourselves on being so dumb bout life
but is it true that we really are lonely as we think so

for is just something that only bothering us human being
loneliness is actually should be great
loneliness makes us happy as we think about people who happened to be in our life
feeling lonely makes us love each other more
by feeling lonely..we tried hard to be more cheerful..
why it must be so complicated
who are we to claim that we are really lonely
as when we alone....................

we started to think about the one that we love
is it really lonely if we still have person to think of
people cannot leave by himself..
that is why they live together..
because...when we are alone
we will feel grateful...that we had memory of being together

in term of peace
how come we have never realised
how wonderful god creation
He create..a lot of races...
so that we can feel wonderful in His world
how if He just make one race
that will only make us feeling empty
He makes a lot of races of people
so that we can learn to accept each other....
i wonder if He just create only this particular group of people
how bored it will be...
n this also we called...

(next post of loneliness describing bout how important tolerate in our beautiful world)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

out of my own world

it almost a month since the last post
don't know what happened to me
seems like my head is jammed with everything which i cannot write a single piece of sentence
hope this time it going trough this whole post like a stream of water in the river

lately we all know bout what happened in gaza strip
everybody seems don't want to be responsible to that terrorism
either the zionist or hamas do not want to admit any of their mistake in that conflict
what had happened to this world
god have given a very peaceful planet that have all the things that we need to fulfilled
why are we becoming so greedy and let our lovely world into a fearful world
then it goes to religion
now people start to blame the god because of this chaos
for all who are atheist,surely they will manipulate this point
then who are a strong believer started to say that only them who are the god choose
why this all need to be happened
we all know that god know better than us
a mere human being that is so weak
but then why don't we admit the reality
i hope to all people in this world to understand that we are just a weak creature
anytime god will take our life
especially to those who are called leader
you are the leader and there is no way in this world to stop this conflict other than you being so justified
then now i see many people to judge god doing
we don't even realised that all these are our weak hand doing
feeling so big,human don't ever realised that this weak hand had done a lot of sins
just love to blame the others (even our faithful god) on what you have done
then run away from the truth
and the try to show lies to all people in this world that lie is the truth
stop thinking like a stupid
in whatever happened in the world...
don't think that people that follow you(who are the leader) stupid
they know the truth what are you hiding for
and then you start to confused them
what is this all about
for god sake
this all just make world(specifically earth)
becoming worst and worst
we don't want the third world war happened
just like the previous world war that happened because of human greed(that also not admit by you people)
why this must be happened
world should be in peace
simple word i want to say
why don't we literally think that earth is crying because of what we have done to it
we slice it..we broke it..we sabotage it
and then we don't ever feel guilty to the earth
still want to be buried in the soil that we have done sins
and the worst part is..we think that the terrible things that we have done is the most prideful
shame on you to filthy liar..
there is no way the earth will accept you

whatever happened...may peace be upon you
hope world would more peaceful..ameen

Thursday, January 1, 2009


hmm..sblm memulakan post ni just nk gtau la especially kawan2 nape diri ini banyak menulis dlm bahasa inggeris berbanding bahasa ibunda tercinta.bagi yang mengenali mmg aku adalah bota...
idup dalam keserabutan dan kesepian..alhamdulillah atas bantuan Yang Maha Esa Dia mengurniakan aku para sahabat yang banyak membantu di kala aku keseorangan..buat sahabat2 di Sekolah Datuk Abdul Razak...memang korang dilahirkan sebagai lelaki tetapi seperti ape yang orang salu cakap 'orang yang mengetahui perempuan adalah perempuan itu sendiri' (no offense)..begitu jua lelaki..(adeyh jiwang la plak..sogan den ngan kengkawan den hehe)
disebabkan korang sume la aku mule menggunakan nama peacemaker mule dari skolah lagi...dengan harapan aku akan berubah menjadi insan yang lebih baek pada masa hadapan...
lepas sekolah aku masuk khidmat negara..mule berkenalan dengan dunia luar...
waktu tu aku kenal jugak ngan ramai ngan kawan2 yg hidup mereka x sebaek mane..lebih kurang naseb macam aku...malah ade yg lebih sedih...
btul kata nenek aku.."aid..ekau kono ingat..susah2 hidup kau ado laie yang lobih susah,bersyukur la"
alhamdulillah..dari situ aku mula faham betapa besar nye hikmah Allah mengambil balik apa yang Dia sudah pinjamkan aku sejak aku lahir dahulu...
dan perjalanan untuk lebih mendekati Nya mule menguatkan lagi hati ini
khidmat negara memberi aku berjuta keinsafan...bagaimana aku bergaul dengan pelbagai kaum
rakan2 pelbagai latar belakang..kaki rempit,kaki perempuan,rakan2 tabligh dan pelbagai lagi..
alhamdulillah banyak pegajaran yang aku ambil...
memang benar kata hatiku sejak sekian lama yang memendam hasrat untuk menyetai program itu
kemudian aku masuk INTEC..maybe kebanyakan yang bace ni dari INTEC jugak
so kat seperti di SDAR..kwn2 ak adalah di kalangan yang pandai2..yang sah2 aku x mau masuk campur kehidupan
sebabnye aku pun sendri xtau..tapi masih ade yang lebih kurang naseb aku
kat cni jugak aku dikenalkan dengan seorang insan yang amat tabah menghadapi hidup
terima kasih abg Hardi sebab mengenalkan aku dengan insan yang bernama GURU
dan di sini juga la aku kehilangan seorang insan yang bernama GURU(tanggal 26 jun..10 hari selepas tarikh pemergian insan2 yg paling aku sayangi selepas 4 tahun)
insan yang selama ini banyak membawa ketengan dalam hidupku..
dengan aku kenal mereka semua...hidup ini menjadi sangat bererti....
dan di sini lah aku mengenali banyak memberi juga la banyak memecah belahkan silaturrahim(wallahualam)
maka dengan semangat berkobar2..aku mengukuhkan tekad dalam hati ini membina blog yang bisa menyatukan umat manusia di seluruh dunia ini
mungkin harapan hanya tinggal harapan
x ramai yang melawat blog ini..xpe..aku akan terus bersabar...
perjuangan zaaba dulu pun bukan setakat sehari dua
dengan semangat ini aku menulis dalam bahasa inggeris..di mana mmg x hebat pon..mungkin banyak kot salah hehe
cukup dengan tujuan itu..skarang ke tajuk sebenar plak...kesepian.........

sambung lenkali la ek hehe..this is just my intro for topic 'kesepian'