Sunday, January 11, 2009

out of my own world

it almost a month since the last post
don't know what happened to me
seems like my head is jammed with everything which i cannot write a single piece of sentence
hope this time it going trough this whole post like a stream of water in the river

lately we all know bout what happened in gaza strip
everybody seems don't want to be responsible to that terrorism
either the zionist or hamas do not want to admit any of their mistake in that conflict
what had happened to this world
god have given a very peaceful planet that have all the things that we need to fulfilled
why are we becoming so greedy and let our lovely world into a fearful world
then it goes to religion
now people start to blame the god because of this chaos
for all who are atheist,surely they will manipulate this point
then who are a strong believer started to say that only them who are the god choose
why this all need to be happened
we all know that god know better than us
a mere human being that is so weak
but then why don't we admit the reality
i hope to all people in this world to understand that we are just a weak creature
anytime god will take our life
especially to those who are called leader
you are the leader and there is no way in this world to stop this conflict other than you being so justified
then now i see many people to judge god doing
we don't even realised that all these are our weak hand doing
feeling so big,human don't ever realised that this weak hand had done a lot of sins
just love to blame the others (even our faithful god) on what you have done
then run away from the truth
and the try to show lies to all people in this world that lie is the truth
stop thinking like a stupid
in whatever happened in the world...
don't think that people that follow you(who are the leader) stupid
they know the truth what are you hiding for
and then you start to confused them
what is this all about
for god sake
this all just make world(specifically earth)
becoming worst and worst
we don't want the third world war happened
just like the previous world war that happened because of human greed(that also not admit by you people)
why this must be happened
world should be in peace
simple word i want to say
why don't we literally think that earth is crying because of what we have done to it
we slice it..we broke it..we sabotage it
and then we don't ever feel guilty to the earth
still want to be buried in the soil that we have done sins
and the worst part is..we think that the terrible things that we have done is the most prideful
shame on you to filthy liar..
there is no way the earth will accept you

whatever happened...may peace be upon you
hope world would more peaceful..ameen